I Regret Shooting Her

California desert...
My name is Jack Wilson, a California Highway Patrol, age 24. It was dark on the desert and the moon was already on the sky. Apart from being bored, I was hiding my vehicle behind a bill board while the speedometer gun was pointed at the highway. It was 11:00 PM when something really fast went pass by.
"What the fuck!"
I drop my doughnut and almost spilled my coffee. I read the speedometer. It says "892.25 kph".
"Impossible!! Whatever it is, I will chase it."
I opened the siren and tried to speed up, making this Mustang GT (yes, a sports car) to go at the speed of 350 with the nitro. I finally caught up with the "vehicle" I can't see the whole thing. I almost hit a electric post, making me turn right into another road. I got my loud speaker and spoke.
"This is California Highway Patrol, stop now for identification!"
That thing didn't stop so I grab my 9mm pistol and tried to shoot that thing. 5 shots fired and no hit so I grab my Winchester rifle and aim while driving.
That thing disappears but I think that it stopped and turned to the desert. I made a u-turn on the road to see it.
"Hello! Whoever it is, get out of the car-"
My eyes widened, I am surprised and my mouth open. I was staring at it, feeling sorry for myself why I shot it. I felt very guilty.
The bullet hit her wing, she stood up, whimpering and crying, and then she looked at me.
"Why did you do this to me?!"
She fell down again on the road, I picked her up and carry her to my vehicle. I told her that I am sorry and I brought her inside the California Police District where I could take care of her.
Two weeks after her wound was healed, she said thank you and we would meet each other again sometime. She left the District and went away. I closed my eyes and a thought came to my head...
''I almost killed Rainbow Dash...''
{{by-user|Doctor Gordon Freeman}}